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Groups and pair classes in Voopty Portal

Groups and pair classes in Voopty Portal

Today we are going to show you how to create group and pair classes. Let’s imagine that you have a group with several people or a pair lesson. 

How to reflect this in the system:

1. Go to the Clients section and look for group members

2. Come up with a tag that will group all group members and put it in the Tag column in the client’s personal information (for example, Group1, enter the tag, click Add tag)

3. Do the same in the personal information of each group member – now each member is grouped with one tag

4. Go to the Courses and groups section, create a new course by clicking the “Add course” button

5. Enter all the data of the group: name, type of lesson, description, bind the teacher to the group, adjust the duration, and it is also possible to limit the course by dates

6. Next, select the group tag, specify “Tagged group”, select the tag and clients are immediately connected, save the course

  • On the group page, you can set a schedule using the “Add a lesson” button, set the required days and hours, specify the date and time, and that’s it – the course is ready, everything is already displayed in the schedule. You can edit all the information in the same way: go to the course, click Add Lesson, or change the existing schedule.
  • When the teacher marks a lesson, a list of group members appears on the page, and the tutor can mark who came to the lesson and who was absent. To do this, click the “Truancy” button and then choose whether to write off the penalty or not, depending on the reason.
  • You should also pay attention to the color of the students. Yellow means that the student has not paid for the subscription or the administrator or manager did not have time to make the payment on the page. If the color is green, the subscription is paid.

How to view group lessons analytics:

  1. Go to the “Beta school journal” section.
  2. Select a specific group and the required time period for analytics.
  3. The system provides a table that shows all the classes that have taken place or have been canceled, as well as the group members who attended them or not. At the end of the table, there is data on which students were most often absent and which attended classes.

After each lesson, the teacher has the opportunity to leave notes with details about the lesson. In the case of a one-time substitution, the other teacher can see the progress, the latest topics, and the specifics of the lesson.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact our support team at Voopty, we are always in touch!

Voopty – a cheat sheet for tutors

Firstly, you need to get an invitation link from the administrator or owner of the studio. Follow this link and go through the standard registration procedure.

After that, you can log in to your account from any device at After entering your username and password, you will be taken to the branch selection page.

If you have not yet subscribed to the VooptyEmployeeBot Telegram channel for employees, the system will show you a window with a link to it. We recommend subscribing – all notifications about class cancellations and rescheduling and other important information will be sent there.

At the top of the screen, you will see icons: menu call, visit log, client base, and language change.

How do I mark clients?

  1. Go to the visit log (calendar icon at the top of the screen)
  1. Pay attention to the filter. The most convenient setting is “Only my lessons”. Using the date navigation, find the desired lesson, click on it once and click the “Lesson has been held” button. If you don’t see the “Lesson completed” button, it means that the lesson has already been marked.
  1. You can also view lessons for a different period of time: a day, a week, or a month. To do this, adjust the range at the bottom center of the screen. By default, there is a filter on the left side of the screen: you can use it to see canceled lessons (to do this, check the “Canceled lessons” slider) or filter by teacher.

How do I view a student’s classroom?

  1. Click on the lesson, select the student’s profile, follow it

  2. All information about your student will appear on the screen: namely, links, personal information, and schedule

  3. To follow the link, you need to copy and paste it in your browser

Class colors

  1. Lessons are immediately marked with a translucent color, which means that this lesson has not yet been held. To change this, you should click the “Lesson has been held” button, then the lesson will become a deep blue color (by default).

2. Lessons can be of different colors, for example, standard scheduled lessons are blue, and additional or trial lessons are green. The color usually indicates the status of the lesson.

In the Voopty CRM system, you can view all your students by going to the “My Clients” section. The system will then display the active clients you are working with. Each client has a personal account where you can view information about them.

Voopty CRM: how to create a branch

Today we will talk about creating a branch. To do this, there is a separate section in the Vooprt CRM system called “My branches” (you can go to it by clicking on the “hamburger” in the upper left corner). By default, one branch will already be created, but you can create another one additionally. How to do it?

  1. Click on the “Create a branch” button in the lower right corner. Then give it a name and add an address if it is a physical studio. It is not necessary to specify the address – then uncheck the box and click “Create studio”.
  2. Next, add all the necessary information about the studio: name, background, logo, choose a category and fill in all the fields about the workers, etc.
  3. All this information is saved automatically, so you don’t need to save and update the studio.
  4. You can delete a studio for convenience by clicking on the button at the bottom of the page.

After creating another branch, you can publish it. To do this, click the “Branch not published” button. It is possible not to do this by simply adjusting the slider.

Also, such a button may not be on the page, then you need to write to the crm manager Vupta, we will set everything up right away.

After setting all the relevant parameters, you can save the studio.

How to view all available branches:

  1. Click on the “My branches” section
  2. On the page, we see all the available studios at once
  3. Some studios may be highlighted to a greater extent because they are published. If a studio is not published, it is highlighted in a dull gray color.
  4. To edit a branch, click on the gear on the top right of the branch button, select the “Public Information” option and edit the necessary information – all published data can be changed as desired
  5. If you do not need a branch, click “Delete studio”.

For each branch, you can keep a personal schedule, add employees and clients. Employees and customers can be present at two branches, but the schedules are always separate.