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How not to get lost in the schedule: easy scheduling with Voopty

21 August 2023
2 minutes

CRM literally means “customer relationship management”. By the way, it means Customer Relationship Management in English. In other words, it is a service that stores customer data and helps to increase sales and service quality.
How to decide whether you need a CRM:

  • collecting and storing large amounts of customer data;
  • optimization of business processes and sales automation;
  • organization and control of work of a large number of employees;
  • detailed statistical information on sales;
  • schedule management and optimization.

The last point is extremely important, because among the basic functions of a CMS for an online school are:

1) Gather the customer base in one place. You no longer need to keep a bunch of tables and records on a piece of paper: information about each customer will be collected in a single database. Contacts, marital status, birthday, preferences, inquiries, sales, current transactions – you will immediately see the full history of communications.
2) Don’t worry about the transfer of cases. If your manager gets sick or quits, you will still have the information about your clients. The new manager will be able to pick up the process without any problems. Also, information about tutors is available in one place, so you can immediately navigate the learning process.
3) Contact the client on time. The Wupti CRM for online school will tell you that it’s time to call the student back (if they were busy during the first call and asked to be contacted at a more convenient time) or remind them of something important – for example, the imminent end of the course or a new promotion. No need to keep paper records and keep everything in your head – with Voopty, important processes are fully automated.
4) Don’t get confused in the schedule. Let’s predict the situation: the manager is sick or quits. We need to know who has classes, who needs to be reminded about payments, and who needs to be replaced. With paper records, chaos would ensue. But the CRM system allows you to check important things at a moment’s notice and not lose sight of what you need.

What are the additional features

The ability to work together.
Another function of the Vupti CRM system is to grant access to the project to several managers at once for collaboration. Each will perform the tasks for which he or she is responsible. At the same time, you can usually limit the functionality for invited employees. Moreover, the manager can personally follow the processes, monitor the work of tutors and responsible employees.

Controlling the work of employees.
In the HRM system, you can track the performance of individual managers and departments in general, as well as their workload. There is even an option to see the number of active and completed transactions and the financial result, to see the sales dynamics for the period and the number of completed lessons, which is especially important for online tutors. The system helps to notice negative trends and react in time.

Voopty’s CRM system provides powerful analytics and reporting tools that will help analyze key performance indicators of a business, namely an online school. It is possible to track conversion, profitability, and other metrics, which will allow you to make informed decisions for further development.